It's Ball Time!!, News (Hanover Minor Baseball)

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Jun 20, 2021 | Jen Dosman | 1219 views
It's Ball Time!!
We are excited to get the season underway!

Practices for U9-U18 will start the week of June 28th.
T-ball and U7 will start the week of July 12th.
Coaches will begin to contact their team with an exact day and time later on this week. 

Due to the shorten season there are some changes to registration fees and collection this year. Please see the following changes...

2021 Baseball fees

T-ball (2016-2017)    $30
U7     (2014-2015)    $45
U9     (2012-2013)    $75
U11   (2010-2011)    $85
U13   (2008-2009)    $95
U15   (2006-2007)    $105
U18   (2003-2005)    $115

We will be accepting ball fees by E-transfer at [email protected] until June 27th.

**Please include your players name and their division (or a list of all players if paying for multiple children) in the message of the E-transfer.**

Cash and Cheque will be accepted on your players FIRST practice and must be paid BEFORE they are allowed onto the diamond. A signed waiver is also required to play and will be posted on the website shortly.

Uniforms and hat's will be handed out by the coaches at the first practice for U9-U18. Uniform deposit will be $50 (cheque preferred) and payment is required BEFORE the player receives a uniform.

Due to the shortened season, we will not be running a fundraiser this year.

All players are strongly encouraged to have their own equipment (bat, helmet, glove, water bottle etc.) All Covid-19 regulations will be followed during practices and games. If shared equipment is required, it will be sanitized according to Grey Bruce Public Health's Covid-19 protocol. 

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us!