SPAM EMAILS, News (Hanover Minor Baseball)

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Jul 10, 2019 | Nancy | 653 views
Please note that we are aware of spam emails being sent to people from Hanover minor Baseball Executive/members asking for help and to respond asap.  The next message is to purchase gift cards for walmart and or other prepaid cards.  THIS IS NOT Hanover Minor Baseball sending these emails.  This is what's called a spear phishing email attack being done by real humans who are up to no good.  Nothing has been hacked or compromised in any way, but as in any spear phishing attack the only prevention is education.  This is a good reminder that if you ever get an email from anybody and it doesn't seem quite right - pick up the phone can call the person to make sure it's them.  DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY EMAIL ASKING FOR HELP or ASSISTANCE.  Hanover Minor Baseball doesn't send emails of this type.
