Mar 11, 2018 | Nancy | 748 views
24 Hour Rule
NEW THIS YEAR FOR HMBA......."24 Hour Rule"
"24 Hour Rule"
Baseball is an emotional sport. The on-field action that players encounter can spill into the dugout and stands and create strong reactions from coaches, parents and spectators.
For parents, it is important to separate game emotions from the best interests of their child's sport development. For this reason, our league has adopted the "24 Hour Rule".
This important rule does two things. First, it moves any emotional and confrontational discussion away from the presence of the players. Second, it allows all parties to "cool off", compose themselves and put the provoking incident or situation that occurred in the game in perspective before meeting to discuss it.
By having everyone respect the "24 Hour Rule", their concerns are more likely to be fully addressed in reasoned discussion. More importantly, the kid's enjoyment of a game won't be marred by an ill-timed confrontation.
Please respect this rule!