HMB APPAREL, News (Hanover Minor Baseball)

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May 14, 2017 | Tammy Price | 11871 views
Is now available...

We will have samples of the new apparel that will be available for order this season.  The first order will be placed by May 26 and another in early July.  We currently have 3/4 sleeve tops and hoodies available to purchase!!

We will have samples available for viewing at the Uniform handout, and order forms available.   If you have any question please contact Alicia Tilker at-- [email protected]

shirt.jpg       hoodie.jpg
Town of Hanover
HMBA wishes to thank the Town of Hanover for offering the BBBAS program. With this assistance to diamond rental rates, we have been able to maintain program fees for the last three years with minimal increases. THANK YOU!