HELP WANTED, News (Hanover Minor Baseball)

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Jan 06, 2017 | Tammy Price | 3412 views
Hanover Minor Ball is looking for

a responsible person to perform grounds keeping duties for the upcoming baseball season, (approx. April to end of August)   Duties include, grass mowing, field leveling, marking of base paths, maintenance of pitching mounds and base installation.  Mostly weekday’s with a few weekends.  This job is ideally suited to a retired person who has flexible hours or a mature student seeking additional income.  Knowledge of the game is preferred and   compensation is based on a per occasion basis.  Please send a short note with your interest and experiences in baseball and grounds keeping to:[email protected] or by calling Peter Kritz at 519-574-6536 ASAP
Town of Hanover
HMBA wishes to thank the Town of Hanover for offering the BBBAS program. With this assistance to diamond rental rates, we have been able to maintain program fees for the last three years with minimal increases. THANK YOU!