Midgets 2016 OBAs, News (Hanover Minor Baseball)

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Aug 28, 2016 | bchadwick | 4498 views
Midgets 2016 OBAs

Our Midget team is doing well at the OBAs !!

After losing a heart stopper in extra innings against Dresden on Saturday, our Midget team has scored a very tight win against Woodslee in the "B side" semi-final. They will await to face the loser of Listowel vs Dresden from the "A side".
                  KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TEAM CANES !!!

Town of Hanover
HMBA wishes to thank the Town of Hanover for offering the BBBAS program. With this assistance to diamond rental rates, we have been able to maintain program fees for the last three years with minimal increases. THANK YOU!