PICTURE DAY, News (Hanover Minor Baseball)

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Jun 02, 2016 | Tammy Price | 1333 views
Hanover Minor Baseball Photo Night will be provided by Jenn Oberle Photography.

Location of photos: At the Kinsman Ball Diamond, near the Kinsman Ball Diamond Sign.
 If raining either night a rain date will be set.

Monday June 20, 2016
5:30 pm- Tball team Grey
5:50 pm- Tball team Red
6:10 pm- Tball team Royal Blue
6:30 pm- Tball team Navy Blue
6:50 pm- Coach Pitch Royal Blue
7:10 pm- Rookie #1
7:30 pm- Mosquito #1
7:50 pm- Mosquito OBA
8:10 pm- Mosqutio #2

Thursday, June 23, 2016
5:30 pm-  Coach Pitch Red
5:50 pm- Coach Pitch Teal
6:10 pm- Rookie #2
6:30 pm- Bantam
6:50 pm- Pee Wee #1
7:10 pm-  Pee Wee OBA
7:30 pm- Pee Wee #2
7:50pm- Midget

Please arrive 10- 15 minutes before your scheduled time slot so we can stay on time.  

Wear your jersey and bring your glove and or bat with you.  

Payment will be cheque or EXACT CASH (there will be no change available) and please have your order form filled out.
Town of Hanover
HMBA wishes to thank the Town of Hanover for offering the BBBAS program. With this assistance to diamond rental rates, we have been able to maintain program fees for the last three years with minimal increases. THANK YOU!